Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year's Weekend

Valiant efforts were made by all to stay awake until midnight. Amara would have made it if her sleepover the previous evening hadn't gone into the wee hours. Liam never stood a chance. He goes and goes and goes all day long, so when he finally sits still long enough in the evening, he falls fast asleep.

Luke and Todd fell asleep watching Dick Clark's rockin New Year. I wouldn't normally include a picture of Todd sleeping but I loved how their legs were in the same position. Todd did have to work that day, and this was actually just a nap for him. He did rally, and was up in time to smooch for the new year.

MMMM, chocolate covered strawberries were had by all before they fell asleep. We also added a little sizzle to the evening while waiting for the clock to strike midnight.

The JOY of living in Florida. On New Year's Day it was sunny and 75 degrees so we took full advantage of it and went to the beach. We needed it, earlier in the week, we were freezing as we broke record lows for a few days. I'm talking lows in the 20's and highs in the 40's. It is nice to have temperature changes, but for this thin blooded Florida girl, I can only take the cold for so long and then I want flip flop weather again. Add to that my children are not used to having to put on shoes, gloves, hats, scarves and jackets just to play in the backyard (translated: they protest and refuse and then can't go outside, which induces crying and whining, then they finally put on needed outerwear and  try to take it off outside when they think I'm not watching and when I catch them it's more crying and whining).

(love, love they have the same leg up)

She's so stinkin cute!
YES, the water was freezing, my children didn't care!

Came home to enjoy a beautiful sunset from the backyard.

The boys were given new do's Saturday evening, and Sunday before church I wanted proof. Liam didn't want to cooperate, there's always one in the bunch!

We are looking forward to 2011!


Mandarin 2nd Sisters said...

I am happy to see that you updated your blog!!! Your kids are adorable by the way!

Mandarin 2nd Sisters said...

...from Loni Lackey... I was logged in under the RS blog adding you to the friend list!

Jen said...

Love seeing new pics of you guys!

Unknown said...

Love your new pictures to begin this new year. They all look so good.

Susie said...

I'm so glad you updated your blog. Maybe you post more on facebook. How come we're not facebook friends? Any who, I loved seeing and reading about your New Year's Eve and day. Gorgeous sunset indeed. I love the beautiful photo of your kids with their new dos. Your comments were fab.