Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Father to four! He plays Mancala with Amara(sometimes she lets him win) and at night she likes to hear him tell her stories as she(and sometimes he) falls asleep. He plays hot wheels and monster trucks with Luke. And he can never leave in the morning without giving him a hug AND a kiss! He wrestles with Liam, and by that I mean they kick, hit, and punch each other like crazy and much laughter is heard! And Liam is the first at the door when daaee comes home! Anna turns her head at the sound of his voice and he is thrilled to have a new daughter to snuggle and kiss! He tells us he is happier now than ever.

What a difference 3 weeks makes. I'm weighing 10lbs. I can sleep 4,5 even 6 hours at a time(hooray for mom). During the day I'm practicing holding my head up, and focusing on all that's going on around me!

MMM! Enjoying sour cream with my enchiladas and yellow rice!

Showing the love! Luke has enjoyed having Amara home from school during the day. They have made up many games to play, they play outside together, they color, they take turns, they fight, they make up, they read together, they take care of Liam, and even though they won't get married like Luke is planning, I know they are forming a bond they will cherish forever!


chellrie said...

Hey Nicol,
Congrats on the newest little one! She's precious!
I was looking at your pictures and thought, who's this little guy with sour cream all over his face? Did they have a cousin come visit? Then I realized it's Liam! Wow, he has grown so much since I've last seen him!

Susie said...

Truly a sweet post. You had me in tears. Beautiful family!