Friday, January 2, 2009

December in Review

We played!

We decorated and celebrated!

And we rang in the New Year with friends, family, and good food. Now we are looking foward to lots of changes for 2009. Amara starts senior primary and will be getting baptized, Luke starts primary, Liam starts nursery. We have a new little girl coming in may/june, so the name debate has begun. Any suggestions? I have already begun, cleaning, rearranging, and purging. We are excited for this new year!


Jen said...

My, Liam has changed...he looks like a little boy now! I love the name you are thinking of...Ellis Sophia. It sounds really sophisticated. Or, go with Sophia as the first, but just know that if I ever get a girl...we may have to share! How about Addyson? Georgia? Jalyn? (Travis says this is a black boy's name, but whatever--it's cute) Carly? Reese? Hannah? Jennifer?! You'll pick a great name, you guys have already three times!

rachel said...

Your pics are so cute! It is fun to see the kids- Liam is a lot different than I remember- I can't believe he is in nursery. Congrats on #4. A girl! I'm jealous. I have had my girl name picked for a long time. Norah Pearl, but don't steal it... although I will probably never get to use it!