Saturday, December 6, 2008


A few things that are on my mind….

Blogging really stresses me out. Well, not that much because I haven’t been doing it lately. But that is what stresses me, should I feel bad that I started this thing and then don’t keep up with it. I mean, I hate when my house is messy, everyday, but I still clean it, everyday, and it makes me happy to have my house clean. It makes me happy to blog, but not when I have to blog, does that make sense?

Is it bad that my 17 month old can out run me? Not completely, but he usually has a pretty good head start and I really have to run to catch him. Is this because I’m pregnant?
Which leads me to another thing, when you are pregnant, how much can you really blame on pregnancy? I blame everything, and I mean everything, my kids ate donuts for breakfast, hey, it is food and they did eat it all. Then cold cereal for dinner, it has lots of vitamins and nutrients right, and they always drink the milk from the bowl. Not too shabby, I remember a day not too long ago they didn’t even eat cereal for breakfast. And I have 5 cartons of eggs in my refrigerator. Each week I go to the store determined to start making breakfast for my kids again, and it just doesn’t happen, what am I going to do with all those eggs? And I don’t even like eggs. I figured it out this morning while Luke was begging for chocolate milk and I just didn’t want to get out of bed. You know lying there thinking of what’s in my refrigerator that would substitute for chocolate milk until I get up that he could get himself, nothing, but I remembered it’s Christmas time and my mom always made meringue at Christmas. So that’s what I’m going to do with all those eggs. Yum I can’t wait, I love meringue!! Maybe I’ll add mint to some, and chocolate to some. Really can’t wait!!

Speaking of my 17month old, this morning he was playing with a container of rocks. Amara collects and keeps everything, anyways, she has this container of rocks, plastic, and he just kept dumping the rocks out and then putting them back in. I just sat there watching him, and he did this for about 20 minutes. And then I starting thinking maybe I could take this to sacrament, not with rocks, but with something quiet, like stickers or pompoms. Would it have the same effect, because that would get me through the sacrament part of the meeting before I was being punched, kicked, and hair pulled, before I had to take him out the hallway. It is Saturday, you know the day we get ready for Sunday. Sometimes it’s the simple things that make our life easier.

And in trying to make my life easier leads me to New Years Resolutions. I Really want to stop yelling at my kids. REALLY, and it would make a great resolution, but I don’t want to wait until January to start, so I’m starting my resolutions early. And I know what everyone says about making resolutions, don’t,,, because you just break them, but that’s not me. I never diet, and I have never had to give up any life threatening habits. I would make a resolution about blogging more but I don’t want to ruin my good record.

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